Church closed : March 26th (2 - 4.30pm) and Saturday 29 March 3.45-5.00pm for a concert
Arts at Berwick

Memorial Art

The churchyard contains a number of examples of headstones made by local letter cutters and carvers. The church encourages the commissioning of memorial art in this way as it helps to support the survival of the craft as well as being a source of comfort for the bereaved.

Many people find the process of commissioning a hand carved memorial helpful. The discussion and reflection involved about the final design can establish a personal relationship with the memorial which is helpful in the visiting and grieving process. More information can be found on The Lettering Arts Trust which was established to promote the craft.

Recent memorials have been made by Thomas Sargeant and Fergus Davidson who work at the Stone Carving and Lettering Studio, Haywards Heath. Phone 01273 890837 for more information.