Church closed : March 26th (2 - 4.30pm) and Saturday 29 March 3.45-5.00pm for a concert
Support Us

Ways to Support Us


You can support Berwick Church with a financial donation.

We are registered with the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) which allows you to give to this Parish with a "One-off Gift" or as "Regular Giving" safely and securely.

Donate to Berwick Church

Guided Tours

For a donation we offer a guided talk and tour around the church and can discuss refreshments. For more information see Visiting Groups


If you would like to help in one of the following ways please get in touch: guided talks, churchyard maintenance, supporting visiting groups and educational groups, church odd jobs, welcomer/guide (weekends). Contact


A legacy is an important way of supporting the church. Please consider remembering the church in your will.

For more information see Leaving a legacy to your church